Monday 7 November 2011

A short introduction to me, your own friendly neighbourhood bloggerfant

Hello, bonjour, ola, guten tag.

My name is David Casson, hence the title of the blog and I'm starting a blog. Well, I've already started a blog as you're reading it. I did have a past fling with this blogging lark, however the site where it was hosted started charging me obscene amounts of money so it unfortunately ended. So here I am again, a new page and a new agenda.

What is my new agenda?

Thank you for asking. Well my new agenda is to not have an agenda, at least to begin with. I have many interests, joys, dreams, worries and fears, so I guess I'll touch on all of these at some time or another. We'll just cruise along for a while and see where the current takes us hey?

Who am I?

Well I'm a 39 year old man, not too fat, not too thin. I still have brown hair atop of my bonce (head) so that's a plus. I'm about 6 foot tall with a darker than purest pale white skin which is quite amazing seeing as I'm from a mix of Cumbrian and Irish stock. I'm married to a wonderful woman called Catherine and we have an mostly adorable 11 month old little boy called Frederick.

I was born David Michael Casson on 10th June 1972. It was a Saturday and I came kicking and screaming in to the world at 6am, or so I'm told. I entered this world at Edgware General Hospital, now defunct I believe and spent my first year living with my folks, my elder bother, 2 sisters and dog at Sheeveshill Court, Colindale. We moved when I was a year old to 44 Brookfield Crescent in Mill Hill where we all lived at some point or another, adding to our brood with another son for nigh on 31 years. More on family, growing up and all that in later posts I think but for now, let me give you a little insight on my life now, what I'm up to etc.

As I said above, I'm married to Catherine. We've been married for 3 years and met 5 1/2 years ago. Last December we were blessed with our little boy Frederick. I must say that a lot of our time is spent looking after or recovering from looking after Fred. Those of you out there with kids will know just how completely knackering it is looking after kids, especially your first. It is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done. I should point out that it's also the best thing I've ever done. He's just a complete dream. We've watched him grow from a tiny prone,crying, jaundiced thing in to a 'chunky' (Catherine doesn't like that word when referring to our son), crawling at the speed of sound, increasingly independent eleven month old. He's in to every cupboard, drawer, CD and DVD case we have. He likes nothing more than pulling everything out of said cupboards and drawers, throwing everything in to a pile and then moving on to another one. He is a little monkey but he is our little monkey and we just adore him.

Ok. I guess that will do for my first post. I have no idea if anyone apart from me is going to read this mess but if you do and want to comment, feel free. I'll probably write more interesting stuff in future posts but everything has to have a beginning, an introduction and this is just that... an introduction.

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